Friday, February 22, 2013

29 Weeks.....and I'm a bad blogger!

Everytime I sit down to blog, something always distracts me and I have to tend to whatever who or it is. I actually have 3 drafts that I've started but yet to finish. I may or may not get around to those.

Today, I am 29w1d. Aside from a stomach virus I had two weeks ago that left me with busted blood vessels in my eyes (and still haven't healed), I'm still feeling great. Yes, I'm starting to feel super tired in the evenings and I still have frequent heartburn (at our last ultrasound we could already see hair!), but it's really nothing worth complaining about. I still get annoyed by people who frequently complain about pregnancy. I realize every pregnancy is different and many have it way worse than I have, but no matter how bad it may get I'm thankful everyday for my baby boy and that I get to experience pregnancy. There was a time not too long ago where I didn't know if I'd ever get to experience this and to me, that was way worse than pregnancy could ever be. I guess it's a infertility thing. It seriously consumes your whole life and leaves a permanent scar. I found a link to a great article on Pinterest, of all places. She explains it perfectly and in a way I'm not sure I ever could.....even though it describes my exact feelings. Sometimes it's just hard to put it all in writing.

In other excting news, I had another ultrasound this week. Just a day shy of 29 weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm being biased, but I think my Tully is the cutest.....well most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I even asked my mom and grandma if it was just me or if they thought he was that cute too. Of course, they said they have to agree with me. I guess we are all a little biased towards this baby boy. He has the sweetest chubby cheeks already. I hope he doesn't mind all of the kisses he's going to be getting. I feel like I should warn my family and friends and apologize ahead of time for being a baby hog! :)
Here are a few pictures of our little cutie. We almost didn't get any because he kept his hands AND feet in front of his face the entire time.

Something else I had planned to do was a weekly update. Here's a Week 29 update. I won't make any promises to do every week from now until Tully is born, but I'm going to try really, really hard! Oh, and I forgot to add, I've sneezed and peed on myself.....twice. I didn't think that would ever happen to me, but it did. Now everytime I sneeze or cough, Troy asks me if I need to change my pants. :)

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain:  As of last Friday, I had gained 9lbs. I gained a lot before I was pregnant, so I've really tried to pace myself. I don't deprive myself. I even have chocolate cake for lunch some days.....especially since I passed my glucose test.

Maternity clothes? Yes. But I can still where my regular pants with a BeBand and I can still where a lot of my regular tops. I'm hoping by the time I'm really big it will be warm enough to just wear maxi dresses. I'd so much rather buy clothes for Tully than myself. Yep, that's happening!

Stretch marks? No, thank goodness. I feel like it's coming though. I check everyday....I also lather up with cocoa butter everyday.

Sleep: I still sleep pretty good. Aside from waking up regularly to go to the bathroom, it's all good. And I always fall right back to sleep.

Best moment this week: Definitely seeing Tully via 3d ultrasound. He looks like he has my chubby cheeks and he has Troy's mouth for sure.

Miss Anything? Nope!

Movement: YES! All the time!

Food cravings: Chocolate! There was one day I really wanted banana pudding. Of course, no where here has any so I settled for a banana cream pie Blizzard from Dairy was just as good!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  No

Gender prediction: We tripled is definitely a BOY!

Labor Signs: No!

Symptoms:  Heartburn, frequent trips to the bathroom, no bladder control

Belly Button in or out? In, but on the verge of poking out

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Beyond happy!

Looking forward to: My baby shower next weekend and of course holding this sweet boy for the first time!

Have a great weekend everybody!!
xo, Candace

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