Friday, September 7, 2012

One Week Later....

....I'm still pregnant! My first HCG level last Friday was 122. That was EXACTLY the same as it was last time, only 3 days earlier. Of course I had to wait all weekend (and a holiday weekend at that!) before I could have it checked again on Tuesday. Then there was more waiting. I had to wait a whole extra day to get the results because I had my bloodwork done in Edenton instead of the hour and fifteen minute drive to Greenville. I was on pins and needles until I heard the nurse say 541!! It has to double at least every 48-72 hours for the pregnancy to be considered viable. Mine had a doubling time of 33.5 hours. Wowza! I wa able to relax a little more after that and after my HPT results that morning. The pregnant line popped up immediately and even before the dye moved all the way across the screen and before the control line. I had never had that happen before. I'm still cautiously excited and will feel better after my first ultrasound next Friday. This will be a viability ultrasound and will tell us what's really going on in there. We will be able to see the heartbeat(s) and know how many babies there are. It all still feels to good to be true, especially after all this time. I feel like at any moment, its all going to be ripped away, again. Wonder if and when I'll ever be able to relax?!
I came home last Friday to this amazing package from my amazing best friend. The cupcakes were delicious! "Every flower that blooms as to go through a lot of dirt." Thank you J!
Daily progesterone injection. This is no joke and no fun. But will be all worth it in the end!
You would think that after this many tests I would be convinced this is real. I just need daily reassurance! I'm getting there!
Yesterday, I got this great pregnancy care package from my bff. I can't put into words how thankful I am for that girl!
This was just too cute not to share!
As always, thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
xo, Candace



  1. Congrats!

    I went through a 3-pack of FRERs a day until my first ultrasound, which was at 5w1d because my RE knew how insane I would go waiting until 6w. LOL

    The worry eased up a bit for me when I could consistently feel the girls around 20w. Weekly u/s helped, too.

    Then once the baby/babies are here, it's a whole new level of worry. ;)


  2. I second the fact that its a whole new worry once the 'baby' or 'babies' are out in the world. I believe its true what they say, "having a child is like having a heart on the outside."

    And I love you too girl! I don't know what I would do without you, my sounding board, my moral compass, my best friend! Continuing my prayers for you--Friday is only 3 days away!
