Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Year.....

**Please note, this was written a while back and I realized I never published it...

As Tully's due date approaches, only a little over 3 weeks away, I'm thinking and reflecting on the past year. My, how things are so different and so much better than I ever imagined. I think about other's dear friends and people whom I've met along this journey and how their life has changed and the struggles with life. Whether it's coping with the loss of a loved one, starting a new job, moving into a new home, or struggling with IF like I was a year ago.

A year ago, I was just getting ready to begin my first IVF cycle. Excited and terrified at the same time. I wasn't sure I would be able to overcome my fear of needles. I wouldn't say I overcame that fear, because even after the hundredth or so injection combined with the frequent blood draws, my fear and anticipation of that 'prick' or 'stick' never went away. Thank goodness for Troy. He was so calm through it all and always found a way to calm me down when the anxiety and anticipation of those injections got the best of me.

When our first IVF cycle brought us so much joy with our first pregnancy and then ended too quickly, I wasn't sure where life would take us. Maybe we just weren't meant to be parents. Maybe God had a different plan for us. We became bitter. We lost 'friends' along the way who weren't able to understand the distance and space we needed in order to accept and cope with our loss and the this new path we were headed down. We built better, stronger relationships with friends who were able to show their compassion and give us 'space' when we needed it.

Thankfully, we decided to give IVF one more try a couple of months later. Little did we know, this would bring us the answer to our prayers....our little Tully.

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