Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm Going To Miss This

I have never been a morning person....ever. I love 'sleeping in' and I get my best sleep from about 5-8. Luckily, Tully enjoys sleeping late, too. He usually gets up between 8 and 8:30. For someone who used to linger in bed every morning just trying to get '5 more minutes', waking up and waiting and wishing my babe would hurry and wake up seems strange. I love my mornings with Tully. He's the happiest first thing in the morning and we get in a lot of smiles, giggles, and serious conversations. When I head back to work full time (Im there part time now) in a couple if weeks, I'm going to miss these easy, laid back mornings. We are going to have to trade back porch swinging in our pj's, for getting ready in a hurry and making it to the coffee shop before its time for work. With all of this being said, I am very thankful I have a job and even more thankful that I don't have to be there until 10am and Tully can be there with me. The summer is coming to an end and everyone is going to be adjusting to new routines. Here's to new beginnings and savoring every sweet moment of summer we have left!

Here's a sweet pic of my boy in his favorite spot. And yes, he's in his diaper because that's just how we roll.

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